Sunday, August 3, 2014

Safe Removal Of Mercury From Your Body

Mercury is one of the deadliest toxins on our planet while also being one of the most common that we are being exposed to in our day to day life!

Some of the different ways we are exposed to mercury is from pesticides being sprayed on crops and in our homes. Mercury is also commonly used in fertilizers being mixed into the soil crops are grown in and the mercury is actually sucked up into the fruits and vegetables that we eat. Other sources of mercury includes vinyl products, mining, coal fired power plants and its in our most important vaccines! Mercury pollutes all of our oceans, rivers, lakes and streams and larger fish like tuna have very high levels of mercury! Health departments post signs on lakes and rivers telling fishermen to limit their intake of freshwater fish to only a few fish a month because they are poisoned with mercury mostly from mining operations and coal fired power plants that can be 100 miles away!

The bottom line is that mercury is pretty much everywhere and including in teeth by the way of dental fillings that are called amalgams! Its been a known fact for many years that silver mercury dental amalgams are not safe and when you add the fact that the silver amalgam mercury is leaking into our bodies each and every day on top of the other sources that are bringing even more mercury into our bodies. People are getting chronically ill and feeling miserable because of these ongoing mercury exposures!

 Only recently dentists are admitting that silver mercury dental amalgams are not safe and your best choice and they are switching over to the safe, newer white composite filling material. NOTE: When having silver mercury amalgams removed and replaced by white fillings make sure that the dentist takes every precaution possible not to contaminate you to a higher extent when replacing your fillings! The best type of dentist for this job is called a Biological dentist.

Some of the major and deadly illnesses that mercury can cause includes Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Kidney Disease, Fibromyalgia, Autism, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, Lupus, Arthritis, Asthma, Alzheimers, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Dementia, Crohn's Disease, Depression, Liver Disease, Emphysema, Eczema and other Immune Disfunction's!

                          Ways To Remove Mercury From Your Body

There are many different natural ways to (Detox) remove the build up of mercury in your body! Some of the natural detox products include,
Chlorella, Cilantro, Milk Thistle, DMSA and Bentonite Clay. All of these detox products will slowly detox and release mercury from the body. However the problem is that a good amount of the mercury being released from the body will become reabsorbed back into the body before it can be totally removed. All of the above detox products can make you feel sick often with flu like symptoms when the mercury is being reabsorbed back into thje body. This is called a Herxheimer Reaction also known as a Healing Crisis.

             The Best Product Choice To Safely Remove Mercury From The Body

The absolute best choice to safely detox and remove mercury and all other heavy metals from the body is with the natural ingest-able mineral called Clinoptilolite Zeolite. This type of zeolite is quite different and much better then all other mercury detox products and methods! This is because Zeolite is tasteless, easy to take and it has the unique ability to bond and bind onto the mercury and other heavy metals in your body and hold onto them all the way out of the body without re-releasing any of these toxins back into the body to make people feel ill like other detox products do! NO Herxhimer Reactions With Zeolite! This Is Good News And Without Question The Best Mercury Detox Product Choice Period!

For more quality information about removing mercury and other toxic heavy metals from the body check out the website at

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